It’s never too early to get students thinking about how they can apply their education and the impact they can have on their community.
Our Northern Territory Manager, David Sidie, had the privilege earlier this week of being invited by Engineers Australia and Charles Darwin University to speak with some of the Year 11 elite maths students at Charles Darwin High School.
"At their age, I thought I wanted to play cricket or rugby league for Australia - but I’ve since dedicated many years to helping provide infrastructure in our remote communities and capital cities, which I feel is greatly impactful for the communities I’ve lived and worked in, and that to me is a pretty special experience to share with young minds," said Dave.
When asked, many of the students suggested they want to be engineers when they leave school - this is great news for the industry.
Pritchard Francis is honoured to have the opportunity to be involved with student engagement, in collaboration with Engineers Australia and Charles Darwin University.